Senior Class

Senior Class of 2025
(Updated 7/1/2024)
COMMUNICATION FOR SENIOR ACTIVITIES - we update all activities on this page and the weekly newsletter (if you are not receiving the newsletter via email, check your junk/spam. If not there, please contact Us. We also update our Instagram page OFTEN - please follow us at merrittislandhighschool on Instagram. In addition we have daily announcements at school and that information is posted on the MIHS website daily. If you have other questions please email senior sponsor, with any questions.
Cap and Gown orders - If you have questions prior to knowing the date, please call Jostens at (321) 242-2055.
Senior Sunrise: TBD
Prom: TBD
Powderpuff game - TBD - Junior and Senior girls play flag football at the O-Dome
Closer to graduation, you will want to review the following activities. We have explained each event and the dates will be added as they become available.
Who should attend? Graduating class of 2025 and their families.
What is Class Night? An evening dedicated to honoring and celebrating seniors at MIHS. The Senior video is shown.
Where will Class Night be held? Merritt Island High School
WHEN should seniors arrive and WHAT should they be wearing? Seniors should arrive at 6:00pm WEARING their Cap and Gown. Seniors will line up in F-Wing and proceed into auditorium as a group while “Pomp and Circumstance” is played. Seniors will be seated in the Orchestra section throughout Class Night. Family members will be in the audience.
Class Night will be approximately an hour long and refreshments and photo opportunities are available immediately following in the decorated Commons.
This evening is considered the beginning of graduation celebrations!
Seniors should arrive at 9am for the senior breakfast catered with Chic Fil A, fresh fruit, oversized muffins, cookies, and drinks!
MANDATORY GRADUATION PRACTICE is immediately following breakfast. Seniors will be given instructions on when to arrive, what to wear under their robes, and appropriate shoes. (Very high heels are not recommended as it is a LONG walk from the cafeteria, down the road, and onto the field. Due to the artificial turf, spiked heels are not allowed.)